The Charities Regulator has commenced a statutory investigation into the affairs of Solas-Galway Picture Palace Teoranta, with the registered charity number 20068493. It is important to note that the opening of a statutory investigation is not in itself a finding of any wrongdoing.
In the public interest, the current policy of the Charities Regulator is to generally release a public statement whenever the Authority appoints an inspector to carry out a statutory investigation into a charity.
Issues have arisen in relation to the proper treatment of the charity’s assets in a commercial arrangement proposed with a new investor.
The Regulator met with some trustees of the charity in October 2016 and subsequently, on 17th November 2016, issued a direction to examine certain books, documents and other records of Solas-Galway Picture Palace Teoranta for the purpose of determining if inspector(s) should be appointed to investigate the affairs of the charity.
The entry on the public register of charities for Solas-Galway Picture Palace Teoranta can be found on the Public Regisiter of Charities.
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