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Check you have the correct spelling and details or read our guidance below on searching the Register.
About the Public Register of Charities
The Public Register of Charities contains information about more than 11,500 charities that have been registered with the Charities Regulator.
A search should reveal comprehensive details about a charity, including their charitable purpose and objectives, trustees (also known as board or committee members), number of employees, annual reports filed, compliance with the Charities Governance Code etc.
When searching for a charity please check you have their correct details. If you are searching by a charity’s name, for example, double check the spelling is correct and that you are using their registered name. Some charities are registered under a legal name that is different to the name they use for their day-to-day work. If a charity has a website you should be able to find their details there.
If you are unable to find an organisation on the Register using their correct details, then they are not currently registered with the Charities Regulator and under the Charities Act 2009 cannot call themselves a charity. If you believe an organisation is holding itself out to be a charity when it is not, you can raise a concern with us simply and quickly by completing our online concerns form.