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About Us

The Charities Regulator was established in 2014 and is an independent authority. We are Ireland's national statutory regulator for charitable organisations

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For the Public

In this section, you can find useful information on how to search for a charity and how to raise a concern. You can also review ‘Our News’ to find out about our activities and events

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Publications and Reports

In this section you will find our corporate and research reports as well as a range of guidance and resources to help make sure Ireland’s charities are well governed.



Please find below guidance documents for your information and advice

The Charities Regulator endeavours to provide guidance and advice relating to all aspects of our work.

The organisation was established under the Charities Act 2009 and we have included a copy of that document here for reference.

If you are considering applying for charitable status, we have produced and published a suite of guidance documents to help with the consideration and submission of your application.  These documents also provide advice about governance and best practice.

Charities Governance Code Toolkit - Guidance Notes and Templates

Charity trustees are responsible for the governance of their charity and should make sure that the six principles of the Charities Governance Code are being applied.  In order to assist and provide practical support to charity trustees in their efforts, the Charities Regulator is committed to developing a suite of guidance documents and templates.  To download a document, click on the document title below to access it.
