Our key functions are to establish and maintain a public register of charitable organisations operating in Ireland and ensure their compliance with the Charities Acts.
We also engage in the provision of services to charities, including the authorising of appointments of new charitable trustees, the framing of schemes of incorporation, authorisation of Cy-Près schemes and disposition of lands held upon charitable trusts.
Under Part 4 of the Charities Act 2009 the Charities Regulator has the power to appoint investigators to investigate the affairs of any charitable organisation.
Our Mission is:
To regulate the charity sector in the public interest to ensure compliance with charity law and support best practice in the governance and administration of charities.
Our Vision is:
A vibrant trusted charity sector that is valued for the public benefit it provides.
Our Values are:
Our Functions are:
- increase public trust and confidence in the management and administration of charitable trusts and charitable organisations;
- promote compliance by charity trustees with their duties in the control and management of charitable trusts and charitable organisations;
- promote the effective use of the property of charitable trusts or charitable organisations;
- ensure the accountability of charitable organisations to donors and beneficiaries of charitable gifts, and the public;
- promote understanding of the requirement that charitable purposes confer a public benefit;
- establish and maintain a register of charitable organisations;
- ensure and monitor compliance by charitable organisations with the Charities Act;
- carry out investigations in accordance with the Charities Act;
- encourage and facilitate the better administration and management of charitable organisations by the provision of information or advice, including in particular by way of issuing (or, as it considers appropriate, approving) guidelines, codes of conduct, and model constitutional documents;
- carry on such activities or publish such information (including statistical information) concerning charitable organisations and charitable trusts as it considers appropriate;
- provide information (including statistical information) or advice, or make proposals, to the Minister on matters relating to the functions of the Charities Regulator.