The Charities Regulator today launched guidelines to assist organisations which are planning to apply to be registered Irish charities.

The guidelines outline the options to consider when deciding whether or not registering a charity is the right option for you. 

“We set out the information that is required for the online application and the documentation which you will need as part of the application process,” Charities Regulator Chief Executive John Farrelly said. “Our guidance also highlights the decisions that need to be made, and the planning that is required, before you apply.”

The guidelines cover topics such as preparing your application, forming a board, drafting the organisation’s governing document, planning for the entity’s future and drafting the organisation’s key policy documents.

The applications process can take four to six months as part of the Charities Regulator’s rigorous registration procedure.

“Incomplete applications can, and do, delay the application process. By reading the guidelines  before you begin, and taking the time to prepare accordingly, your application may be processed more efficiently, Mr Farrelly explained. “Another factor which prolongs the applications process is the slow response by applicants to questions raised by our case officers.”

There are currently more than 9,300 charities on the Register of Charities which can be viewed by the public at Last year over 1,750 charities were added to the Register of Charities.

The Registration Guidelines are available to download.

It is the latest in a suite of seven guidance documents published by the Charities Regulator to encourage and facilitate the better administration and management of charities.

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