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About Us

The Charities Regulator was established in 2014 and is an independent authority. We are Ireland's national statutory regulator for charitable organisations

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For the Public

In this section, you can find useful information on how to search for a charity and how to raise a concern. You can also review ‘Our News’ to find out about our activities and events

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Publications and Reports

In this section you will find our corporate and research reports as well as a range of guidance and resources to help make sure Ireland’s charities are well governed.


Subject Access Form

Subject Access Request Form

Part 1 - Details of Data Subject (Person making the request)
Part 2 - Details of Request

To assist us in identifying and locating the personal data sought, please ensure that you provide details of your interactions with the Charities Regulator, as well as any specific identifiers e.g. any previous addresses, reference numbers from previous contacts with us etc.

Please indicate the timeframe for your request (e.g. July 2017 or January 2017 - April 2017)
Please provide any extra information you have which may assist us in responding to your request (e.g. other names a charity may be known by, or a link to the website). You can search the Register of Charities to locate these details at here
If your request relates to a registered charity, please enter the Registered Charity Number here.
If your request relates to a registered Charity, and they have a Revenue CHY Number, please enter it here.
Part 3 - Verification of Identity
This period will not begin until your identity has been established and any relevant details received. You may be required to provide proof of identification (current passport or driving licence, together with a recent utility bill or Government-issued letter) before personal information will be released.
Part 4 - Form of Communication
Please tick as appropriate

Part 5 - Declaration

Privacy Notice

The Data Protection Officer in the Charities Regulator collects the data you provide in this form. The data controller for the information you provide is the Charities Regulator. The data controller’s contact details are: The Data Protection Officer, Charities Regulator, 3 George’s Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1, D01 X5X0 Email: Telephone: +353-1-6331500

1. The Charities Regulator may use the personal data you provide in this form for the purpose of responding to your subject access request.

2. Our legal basis for collecting and processing this data is the 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

3. The personal data provided here will be stored securely electronically.

4. The contact for any queries in relation to this form is the Data Protection Officer; email:

5. This data will be stored for 5 years from the date of the Subject Access Request or for as long as is needed to respond to the request and implement any further requests from the data subject e.g. rectification, erasure, etc. whichever is later.

6. You have the right to rectify any inaccuracies in your data. To do this you should write to the Data Protection Officer at the address listed above documenting the inaccuracies which need to be rectified.

7. You have the right, where appropriate, to obtain erasure of your data and/or a restriction on processing of your data as well as the right to object to the processing of your data. In addition, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Commission. Further details in relation to your data protection rights can be found in the Charities Regulator's Data Protection statement located at
