Financial Statements
Section 30 of the Charities Act 2009 requires the Board of the Authority to keep, in such form as may be approved by the Minister for Department for Rural and Community Development with consent of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, all proper and usual accounts of money received and expended by it. The Charites Regulator will publish the required Financial Statements on their website on an annual basis.
Board Remunerations
Board Member remuneration
Members of the Authority’s Board are remunerated in line with the provisions as set out in the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies (2016).
The Charities Regulatory Authority adheres to the ‘One Person One Salary’ (OPOS) principle, where public servants and public sector employees who sit on State boards may not be paid board fees and Board members are given the option to waive the related board fee on a discretionary basis as a matter of formal protocol.
An Attendance fee of €295 per meeting may be paid to External Members of the Board’s Sub-committees in line with DPER circular E12/1/70 which outlines the fees that may be paid. The payment of an Attendance Fee is for the Day of Attendance at the meeting.
The Financial Statements published yearly contains a schedule of the fees and aggregate expenses paid to each Authority Member; see the Authority’s Financial Statements for further details.
The Charities Regulator has a policy which outlines Board and external members’ fees.
Prompt Payments
The Charities Regulator is committed to making every effort to pay its suppliers promptly. In this regard suppliers can help by ensuring that:
- correct invoices are sent directly to Accounts Payable
- accurate bank account details are provided
- their Tax Clearance status with the Irish Revenue is up to date
Financial Statements 2018
Financial Statements 2016
Financial Statements 2015
Authority Member Remuneration
There are set fees paid annually to Authority Members in line with Government Policy. Where an Authority Member has opted to waive their fee, or is not entitled to a fee under the ‘One Person One Salary’ principle, this is indicated in the Annual Report and the Financial Statements for the period.
The majority of Authority meetings are held in the Charities Regulator Office and require some members to travel from their respective base. Travel and subsistence expenses incurred are reimbursed at the rates consistent with those defined in government policy. Expenses paid to Authority Members in relation to attendance at Authority meetings can be viewed in both the Annual Report and the Financial Statements for the period.