The Open Data Directive requires that certain public sector data is made available in free and open formats. The overall objective of the Directive is to continue the strengthening of the EU’s data economy by increasing the amount of public sector data available for re-use, ensuring fair competition and easy access to public sector information, and enhancing cross-border innovation based on data.
The main principle of the Directive is that government data should be open by default and design. The provisions of the Directive include:
- Release of non-personal data in open formats and to open standards.
- Data to be available in real time and via APIs (where possible).
- New rules on charging - free reuse becomes a principle.
- Re-use of publically funded research data.
- List of High Value Datasets (HVDs) to be laid down in an Implementing Act.
- Prevention of data lock-in, exclusive arrangements discouraged.
- Re-use of data held by public undertakings such as public utilities and transport providers.
In line with the Directive the Charities Regulator publishes data that we collect in an open format, so long as the data is not effected by existing regimes in respect of copyright, intellectual property, protecting of personal data or Freedom of Information.
Datasets available for download
Below you will find a full list of all datasets currently published by Charities Regulator under open data license. These datasets can be accessed directly from and are updated on a weekly and monthly basis. The Public Register of Charities data set is updated weekly.
Name of dataset |
Description of dataset |
Public Register of Charities |
The Public Register of Charities contains information about all charities that are registered with the Charities Regulator. This information is gathered through the annual reports that charities are required to submit to the Charities regulator on an annual basis. The Register contains comprehensive details about a charity, including their charitable purpose and objectives, financial information, trustees, number of staff employed, and annual reports filed. |
Applications for charitable status |
This data set contains general statistics on monthly applications to the Registration unit from organisations looking to register as charitable organisations. This includes the number approved, rejected and any appeals lodged. |
Concerns received by the Charities Regulator |
This dataset contains general statistics on the number of concerns raised with the Compliance and Enforcement unit of the Charities Regulator on a monthly basis. |
Surveys conducted by the Charities Regulator |
The Research Manager in the Charities Regulator carries out surveys with stakeholders on a biennial basis. Reports on these surveys are published once finalised and are available to view and download on our website. |
The linked data on this page is available to use free of charge and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC-BY 4.0), except where otherwise stated. Any reuse of the data must adhere to the requirements laid out in the associated license.
Requests for data
Requests for open data can be made to the Charities Regulator in line with the requirements of circular 20/2021 (Open Data Directive). If the data set you require is not currently available under open data license, requests can be made by email to the Charities Regulators Open Data Liaison Officer at the following address:
In line with circular 20/2021, requests for data covered by the Open Data Directive will be dealt with within 20 days. If it is an extensive request the response time may be extended to 40 days.
If your request is refused, you have the right to appeal the decision by writing to the Office of The Information Commissioner. If you make an appeal the Information Commissioner will fully investigate and consider the matter and issue a fresh decision. All appeals should be addressed to:
The Information Commissioner,
18 Lower Leeson Street,
Dublin 2 Tel: +353 (1) 6395689
National Open Data Portal
All the Charities Regulator's Open Data is available on the National Open Data Portal.