The Charities Regulator today launched the first set of guidance materials and templates for the Charities Governance Code. The Charities Governance Code Toolkit will assist charity trustees to implement the Code within their organisations.
“The purpose of the suite of guidance materials and templates is to assist charities in meeting the minimum standards set out in the Code, thereby enabling charity trustees to effectively manage and control their organisations,” the Charities Regulator’s interim Chief Executive Helen Martin said.
“In addition to publishing guidance materials and templates, we also hope to roll out training nationally on the Charities Governance Code in the second half of this year,” Ms Martin continued.
The seven documents, which make up the first tranche of the Charities Governance Code Toolkit are as follows:
- Legal duties of charity trustees (Infographic);
- Risk Management for Charities (PDF document);
- Risk Register template (WORD document);
- Guidance note on minute taking (PDF document);
- Appendix A - Explanatory sample board minutes (PDF document);
- Appendix B - Board minutes template (WORD document);
- The role of the Chairperson of a charity (PDF document).
This year is the ‘learning year’ where the Charities Regulator is asking charity trustees, i.e. anyone on the board or committee of a charity, to prepare for the Code. Charity Trustees can expect to see the Toolkit’s second set of guidance materials and templates within the next few weeks. Please keep your eye on our website and social media channels for further updates on the new documents and templates.
For more information: email
Notes to the editor
- The Charities Governance Code explains the minimum standards charities and organisations should meet to effectively manage and control their charity. The Code sets out the 32 core standards that all charities should meet when putting the principles into action. It also contains 17 additional standards that reflect best practice for charities with high levels of income and/or complex organisational and funding structures and/or significant numbers of employees.
- In terms of timelines, Charity Trustees are expected to work towards next year 2020 - the first year that registered charities are expected to comply with the Code. The following year, 2021, will be the first year that registered charities will be expected to report on their compliance with the Code. The Charities Regulator will monitor compliance with the new Code, with charities expected to comply or explain why they are not complying. Charities will be expected to keep compliance record forms on file, which the Charities Regulator may request to see at any time. In the coming years, it is envisaged that each charity’s entry on the Public Register of Charities will indicate whether or not a charity complies with the Code.
- All documents are located on our website here.